
Homemade Spelt Vegan Pizza

Homemade Vegan Spelt Pizza

Who doesn’t like pizza?

Pizza is the world’s favourite fast food. We eat it everywhere – at home, in restaurants, on street corners. People have been eating pizza, in one form or another, for centuries. As far back as antiquity, pieces of flatbread, topped with savouries, served as a simple and tasty meal for those who could not afford plates, or who were on the go.

Why I choose a spelt crust?

I like to use spelt flour rather than whole wheat because I find it’s tastes bet ter and has a lighter texture. Spelt is also an ancient grain but it does contain gluten. It is not tolerated for those with celiac disease but because it contains less gluten than wheat, barley and rye it may be tolerated by those with a mild gluten sensitivity (not allergy to gluten or wheat).

Thank-you to my friend Mary Nauom for the hint to cook my onions, peppers and mushroom first then add the pizza sauce and simmer. It makes for an amazingly delicious pizza!

After I have simmered the sauce for a bit I pour onto the spelt or kamut pizza dough.

I like to add a bit of oil to my crust before I add the cooked sauce.

Begin adding your toppings of choice! This time I choice to add more raw red peppers and raw onions.
Sometimes I like to add the Feta Cheese and cauliflower before the the other raw veggies of choice.
Add your veggies of choice. I leave my broccoli florets a little larger than my cauliflower pieces. I then add kale or spinach.

TRUTH: I always make 2 pizza’s because they go so fast and I LOVE LEFTOVERS!!
Sometimes a few more pieces of tomatoe fresh from the garden is just what is needed!
Baked beautifully and a piece is already missing before I have time to take this picture!


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