
Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

Many people think of pumpkins as little more than a Halloween decoration or a Thanksgiving pie filling. However, it may be time to rethink this plump, nutritious orange plant.

Pumpkin is a fast-growing vine that creeps along the surface in a similar fashion as that of other Cucurbitaceaefamily vegetables and fruits such as cucumber, squash, cantaloupes… It is one of the most popular field crops cultivated around the world and is enjoyed for it’s flesh and seeds.

Pumpkin is a highly nutrient-dense food. It is rich in vitamins and minerals but low in calories.

This is a wonderfully delicious and nutritious smoothie any time of the year!

It can be part of any meal and especially handy when you are celebrating a special occasion like Thanksgiving and you want a special treat instead of pumpkin pie.

It can be a treat, a desert, a snack, a meal, post workout or preworkout for anyone who just loves the flavour of pumpkin.

*This smoothie is also a  very good source of fibre.

Most of us do not consume enough fiber, with an average daily intake of 10 – 15 grams per day. The recommended daily fiber intake of is between 25 and 30 grams+.

Fiber slows the rate of sugar absorption into the blood, as well as promoting regular bowel movements and smooth digestion. A healthful fiber intake can also help reduce the risk of colon cancer.

Pumpkin Seeds are a healthy snack!

Pumpkin seeds indeed are an excellent source of dietary fiber and mono-unsaturated fatty acids, which are good for heart health. Also, the seeds are concentrated sources of protein, minerals, and health-benefiting vitamins. For instance, 100 g of pumpkin seeds provide 559 calories, 30 g of protein, 110% RDA of iron, 4987 mg of niacin (31% RDA), selenium (17% of RDA), zinc (71%), etc., but zero cholesterol. Further, the seeds are an excellent source of health promoting amino acid tryptophan. Tryptophan converted into GABA in the brain.

Pumpkin Seeds and Sleep

Pumpkin seeds are a rich source of tryptophan, an amino acid.

Tryptophan has been used to treat chronic insomnia because the body converts it into serotonin, the “feel-good” or “relaxing” hormone, and melatonin, the “sleep hormone.”

A study published in 2005 in Nutritional Neuroscience suggested that consuming tryptophan from a gourd seed alongside a carbohydrate (like a bit of the above smoothie) was comparable to pharmaceutical grade tryptophan for the treatment of insomnia.

Having a few pumpkin seeds before bed, with a small amount of carbohydrates such as a piece of fruit, may be beneficial in providing your body with the tryptophan needed for melatonin production.

Pumpkin Pie Smoothie

Print Recipe
Serves: 1 Cooking Time: 5 minutes


  • • 11/2 cups of your choice of milk ( I enjoy GMO free soy, oat, coconut or almond - unsweetened)
  • • 1/2 cup canned organic pumpkin puree
  • • 1/2 tsp. of organic maple syrup – optional
  • • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
  • • 1/2 tsp. nutmeg
  • * Some prefer to use a "pumpkin spice instead of cinnamon and nutmeg.
  • • 1/2 - 1 cup + Vegetables of choice (organic celery, spinach and cucumber are the sweetest to begin with)
  • • 1 tablespoon ground flax seeds
  • • 1 scoop Juice Plus French Vanilla or your favourite vegan smoothie powder
  • * Personally, I love to add my vitamin D-drops to smoothies also!
  • • 1/4 cup of crushed ice – depending on how thin or thick you prefer your smoothie



Place liquid in blender and any vegetables you would like.


Add all the dry ingredients add ice last.


Mix for 20 to 30 seconds until well blended.


All of the above ingredients can be adjusted to taste.


Add additional veggies for added nutrition.


Sprinkle your smoothie with cinnamon, nutmeg or raw pumpkin seeds.


Experiment and Enjoy!


Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant. It also gives orange vegetables and fruits their vibrant color. The body converts any ingested beta-carotene into vitamin A. The potassium contained within pumpkins can have a positive effect on blood pressure. The antioxidants in pumpkin could help prevent degenerative damage to the eyes.

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