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Feeling Stressed? What to do. What not to do and How to handle your Stress

In her four-part series on the keys to overall wellness, Shawn Nisbet has already covered exercise and nutrition. In this issue, she turns her attention to stress and how to handle it. At times, stress can be beneficial. But unmanaged stress is toxic. What we think and feel, and for what length of time, has an enormous effect on our overall health, wellness, and even our weight. Yet many of…

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The Power of Sleep

by Shawn M. Nisbet, RHN, CFA and Healthy Living Magazine A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book. – Irish Proverb In 1910, North Americans slept about nine hours a night. By the mid-1970s the average night’s sleep had dropped to seven-and-a-half hours and to just seven hours by the late 1990s. According to a recent survey by Statistics Canada, one in seven…

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